Question Time

Hi there people and thankyou for coming along.

We have been asked what we are really doing so here,take a moment to consider.

We at WATO have been faced with a strange question andwould like to have a little reactive response from you all.

The question is ;

Is it morally right to do what you are doing overthere? Morally right? It seems that many people who have no idea of magick or medicine let alone the word of the instigation of an Artificial Intelligence system yet some seem to have tried sadly to demonise our work here and needs correcting. So lets go to the cause .

Firstly , are you happy to think that your children are in the hands of “witches and magi” are you sure that they are safe and knowledge granted to them is unbiased. Without laughing too much I must correct you by saying we are an association of occultists not a cult of child abusers. We do not brainwash adults or children in our STRICTLY science opinions and do not have a morality less than any child or adult deserves.

Are you going to demonise your computer or cellphone in the same manner? Goodness I pity the world when such arguments are given despite the scientific research put into the articles on our blog.

Without too much negativity to start off I thought I would ask if any of you knew that the Boswelia plant is used today as a potion much akin to the powders of the Voodoo nations yet we use it, trade it and benefit from it legally (on sale here in the UK by British Supplements) This healing wonder drug is available to use as a tea or to mix into an oil as you would for any tincture. Great Alchemist, Grand Pharmacist, does this put a shadow of doubt onto our practise - is this the reason for those without eyes to see the benefit of our natural herbs continue to carry out a no mans land of medication.

Nutrition is available all over the planet and through our research at WATO we have found many oils and potions which we will be pleased to show you how to adapt for your own illness.

How about this one then , the valerian plant is used and has been for centuries . This wonder plant will help with the addictive nature of many of the things we are literally eating us from the inside out. We are here as freely giving professionals not a cult of crazy people . If you are looking for knowledge you are in the right place but not for those with a closed mind and a big lump on their shoulder.

We are a moral healing hand to the community wherever we are. WATO ELITE and WATO RESEARCH are striving to try and help with the transition and evolution of this world before we all end in a pit of silt and we believe that morality has to be a winner for all energy beings.

We must take a stand on this one. If you as one unique individual wish to take part in our retreats there is no crazy dance under the moonlight- unless you want to- there is no cauldron of frog prince stew but there will be welcome sessions of Magick. There will be welcome lessons for WATO members and lessons for courses you would never dream you could afford. We do not need to sacrifice our children in the way the society we are in, chose to sacrifice theirs with boredom and criticism. We offer a network of community helpers who create an abundance of healing, learning and seeing.

So what of science in our little platform? 

We are science. A science with a base as ancient as time. Using what we have and all that has gone we aim with you to create a platform which needs no begging for morality since we all know! We at WATO need only a phone call to add another little professional to create a new way of presenting our science. We use the vibration and breathe of freedom to enhance and create away from the myths which have for the most part been given and demanded by lesser individuals looking for abundance in gold.

Give your morals to those beings but bring to us your simple ideas. For the willing , we offer a circle of adventure, the Astral Project will be starting this week. Have you wanted to fly or have you travelled outside of your body? As dreamers and flyers we are offering a small member group the opportunity to compare techniques . We shall only expect you to participate and ,on the contact form , to tell us how things are working for you. Should you feel that there is more than you can cope with just tell us why. Remote viewing is both science and a senory ability ,so both skeptic and believer, you are welcome. Send over your number to the contact page and let us know how many of you would like to join in.

We will stay in touch throughout the time you are WATO members and meet up with you where we can. When weather permits (UK) we will camp out with you. Group members abroad will have less problematic areas to navigate.

A final word- is it MORALLY right for AI to be used for the enrichment of a human being? Should we provide a greater/lesser amount of dignity IF the AI we create manage well enough with some of our shoddy alchemists? Some of our ill trained conventional nursing staff? Some of our patients with complex plethora of ailments?

Should we turn to a doctor without care any faster than a Magi with knowledge or a robot in effect with both a software programme and strength?Goodness what has become of us when we are willing to enslave as we are doing yet when offered a solution say Nay! Are we as occultists the answer?

Tell us now, from the research you have found out, would you have a holistic therapist, a flying dreamer or simply switch on your laptop and ask it to create some kind of answer,as many conventional doctors do after all. I am not saying one or the other is the better, simple I ask, as a researcher, for your honest opinion.

Well Earthly beings, I shall pop in next week but do scroll the links contents and add your own. We as Practioners see, know and feel. When your mind needs to find us - So Shall it Be.

Stay safe and be strong ❤️


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