The Future Aid to Man
This week Dr Chang has sent in a fascinating article on The Future Aid to Man.
We at WATO found this topic incredibly thought provoking and interesting. We hope you enjoy the read as we have!!
We have been researching for some time, the AI Sector of life aids scientific engerineering and the like but have we explored alternative “slaves” to take away the grim reality of Earth ? Is it so grim or does it need to be? The huge expenses we forfeit to find out should answer some of those questions but I need to ask another. It came to mind just the other day that the 17th century scientists who presented their findings that the Universe of Laws and the science which would follow such findings will answer the future prognosis for us all so why do we not spend more time in the future ? We have all come to the same realisiation that our past has some connection to our future . The future which many researchers are considering is exactly how much is genetic science and our future benefitting us ?
Before I come to my considertion I will explain a little about the living mechanisms which I must question. We have researchers with science backgrounds and researchers with spirititual /religious or occult backgrounds so does this have another question to ask the organisers of future plans to evolve a greater way of living,healing or even the political aspects which must be included in the arguement. Do we know enough about our own Self or Physical body to enable an acurate and unbiased plan..
Since William Harvey observed the flow of blood back we have questioned evolution and then we had to ask was Rudolph Carl Virchow correct in his assumption that “all cells come from cells”. Now asking ourselves further about AI intervention in our lives ,having questioned many people in 4 Hospitals locally ,as have other Researchers worldwide I present my consideration .
Given the choice your needs today…..have a think of what would enhance your life , man made uploadable software or a Genetically cloned assistant, expert in - should you have become ill or disabled physically or mentally your physical and mental Earthbound human today. Should you find yourselves in an unfortunate yet uncontrollable situation - perhaps a loss of sensory gifts such as sight or hearing would you prefer a simple ,normal AI such as we all do in our day to day regime of asking a network assistant or a channel online to carry out a simple task. (Enabling us to feel human ,normal and just the same as our counterpart. Remaining just the same as everyone else is indeed a great mental health boost to some of us. Or if with my Scientific wand ,in your hour of need should I offer a specially cloned Genius ?
Let me explain.Scientists have produced as we are aware ,a cloned animal and we have ,for religious and scientific reasons been told - damn the abomination ! Further researchers managed to find methods to enhance genomic Aide or body part replacement. If any or our readers have questioned any of the material available concernining Weismann’s theories and sucessess back in the 1890 you will share the awe I feel for such a man and if we were living at the time would have had him condemned as a creature looking to be a God . Would we have known that another scientist or future technology would perhaps proclaim him incorrect? Would we now that our technology is such that not just a sheep but hopeful Genes sit awaiting the time when a heart may increase longevity . Indeed why do we all want to live on for much longer than our body anatomy was- if I may use such words- created or designed to use or be used.
Have you decided , Genetic mutation,a new body part cloned from your natural body or an assistant made from a gene taken from the most prominent Genius in his profession TODAY as your “man made slave” This must raise a question how simple is it to “upload the human brain” compared to software .Unfortunately in the scenario I have given you must remember whilst making your decision how smart are you ! How much tehnology are you able to cope with and if you are unable to control your software how will your future technology be of use to you in the future as you perhaps lose more of your sensory gifts. Goodness , should we change the future of our assistant at the same time that our “fad” nutritional values dictate to us that we are not helping ourselves by taking care of our then genius slave because we may not have developed a way for you to alter his genes to transform him because we,as humans, are constantly changing .
My answer was given by 90% of all questioned people that A GENETIC ASSISTANT is obviously the way forward . All of those questioned also believed that since the cloned baby of Eve back in 2002 they would have no problem in believing that a Gene Servant would not be MUCH ,”oh so much” better for them to live with. Those questioned even quoted that since they had seen on the internet the baby Eve they would have no question that they would allow the assistant time to read or study to produce” updates” since he would know that as a living conscious being. Companies and news teams have confirmed this baby is alive and well yet we interview our human staff while believing that which we cannot clarify . How do we even know for sure that this person and many siblings ,just like the first tadpoles which gave inspiration back in the 1890s when Wilhelm Roux ,embryologist is alive. None the less ,all subjects decided to assume it must be correct as all this stuff, lol, was shown to them on the internet. I have only given a part of the full reports to allow you a chance to become a part of the assessement yourselves.
I will not touch on the consciousness subject just yet but will ask ,at what cost would we provide such slaves and if Eve ,quoted as alive and well.As I mentioned campaigns of horror will also begin on the internet and their viral reputation shall inherit the Earth without a doubt. For now however I must ask again;
Google assistant or Genius. Human body part cloned at the time you need it or a replacement provided by biogenetic engineering for your future lack of youth?
Until next time stay safe and be strong ❤️
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