Occultism and what it really is (Part 2)

Welcome back, as promised here is the next excert from the book of our very own Rev. Xnoubis 

"Self Control

No one can be truely great who doesn't have the power of self control. You may have all the virtues of the world and it wouldn't matter if you allow yourself to give way to bouts of anger and lose self control at critical moments. Nor can you become really successful in any chosen field or line of work unless you have first developed self control.

Self control is the control of the objective mind by the subjective mind. This meaning the control of the emotions by the higher mind. So where do you begin? 

Well our first is to awaken the will portion or force aspect of your subjective mind in order that your will and intellect will control the objective side of your mind. There is force enough in the positive side of your subjective mind to accomplish anything it desires so therefore it is to your own interest to awaken this powerful force yourself.

Your emotions are natural forces on their proper plane and its because of this that many people think it's unnecessary to control them. To understand our emotions we first need to analyse them since they make up a great part of ourselves when we first begin to look at our emotions there seem to be many. But on close analyses we find but four basic ones.

1. Fear ; 2. Sensuonsness ; 3. Sex ; 4. Vanity and this is the most subtle of all. When we examine the nature of each of these we find the larger part of our actions are directly attributable to one or more of them.

Fear is the cause of most anger, jealously, murder, failure, doubt, despondency, discouragement and many other lesser inharmonious condition. So if we eliminate fear we will have destroyed the root for many of the emotions that lead us down the wrong path. Our minds are magnetic and therefore draws to itself whatever it is frequently thinking about. So if you are constantly fearing a thing you are or will draw the things you are thinking about towards you.

Everyone suffers from some sort of psychical cowardice, but may not be conscious of the fact. You may dream meeting someone because you may not know what he/she will think of you. Or you might act differently around a person you care for because you don't want to upset someone and cause friction? But doing this will mean you will lose the person you care for. Or perhaps you've heard the person you're going to meet is wealthy and you fear you cannot make so great a display as they can. In this case the first thing to do in overcoming the fear of people is to declare "I am not afraid of _________ of or anyone else" then form an image of the person in your mind and say as if he/she was there in person, "You do not have the power to make me uncomfortable and I am not afraid of you". Continue to repeat this assertion until your perturbation has subsided and you feel you and meet this person face to face without fear or embarrassment. Once you have eliminated the lesser or basic forms of fear, then its time to attack the finer form of fear. 

For most people this is the fear of the unknown or unseen many lives are made unbearable by the fear of the future because they are continually expecting things that never happen or stressing over things they have no control over. Others are afraid of criticism by other people, their main question they keep asking themselves is "what will people think". One think you should always remember is that  people the world over will always criticise and condem everything and everyone that they do not understand. 

Therefore declare you are not afraid of criticism by any individual or of the public by large. Fear being eliminated, turn your attention no to sensuonsness. This is a result of a perversion of natural forces. Man is theonly creature on the face of this planet that indulges his senses in order to live but also get pleasure from his indulgences and it's this over indulgence that constitutes the perversion of this natural force.

When a creature eats because it's hungry then stops because that hunger has been fulfilled; there will be no reaction, for a reaction seldom follows the natural indulgence of the senses for the purpose of living. But when the senses are indulged more for pleasure than from necessity and there has been an over stimulation, a reaction always follows the indulgence. 

Asceticism is one of the moral reactions from sensuonsness. Asceticism is taught as the proper method of living in many places in the orient, especially in India. In America school of philosophy have adopted this Eastern teaching. This is an extreme view and like most extreme views does not produce the best results. On the other hand Western occultism does not agree with the Eastern school on this point. It is simply a question of the method of development. 

Suppression of the senses is not the best plan and western occultists have found that better results are gained from regulation of the senses. By this we mean a moderate indulgence in all that pertains to the normal use of the senses; so long as you never give in to over indulgence. In this manner you may have all the pleasures of life without the reactions.

Our next mode of mind is creation. Thought creation is when you make a mental picture of a selected subject and put it into a mental picture or concrete form. Mental creation will bring you anything and everything that you may want except knowledge which can only be gained through meditation.

Imagination is the key. It's image making faculty used for the purpose of making a concrete picture of the thing you desire. You're creating a force and therefore it must have a rate of vibration and having a rate of vibration it must have colour. So when you picture your thought force, you must picture it to your highest concept of what that would be. So if you wish to send love to another person, picture the universal love flowing into yourself then as it builds up and starts to overflow see it passing from your own heart centre as a stream of golden light flowing outward until it reaches the heart to which it was sent.

When this happens some of your own being will enter and warm the heart of the one you sent that love to. Then do the same thing with the person you sent your love to, see that golden stream of light that golden current of force flowing from them in to you. If you wish to do any work on the mental plane, to wish for greater mentality. Picture the blue cosmic force flowing into you. See yourself being immersed with this blue force until your whole being vibrates with it.let it magnetise your brain and fill every part of your body with it's uplifting force.

Remember you're not going to become a genius after one attempt with this blue cosmis force you will need constant treatments of this kind and your mental powers will gradually increase which you can direct into any channel you desire. But while you are waiting for your creation to materialise for your demands to be met you should do any duties that are presented to you to do.

Concentration is the third mode of mind. Concentration is holding your mind on one subject to the exclusion of everything else. Once again you must have a specific subject to concentrate on. Out of these three modes this one is perhaps the most forceful and should always be an active positive condition of mind.

Being able to concentrate is not that we are born with and it's not a habit that is acquired in short periods of time. It needs to be practiced to become a habit of thought. To help you acquire this art of concentration, form a picture in your mind and take note of how long you can concentrate on it without having any other thought enter your mind. Keep this up until you can do this for up to an hour.

Concentration should always be a pleasant exercise of your will, a quiet but positive condition of mind. Let your mind rest entirely upon your mental picture and claim it by saying or thinking "that is mine because I have created it". The thing to remember is that Concentration is not an ordered, but a natural (or it should be) and pleasant form of recreation.

Once you have positioned your body in an easy position and your attention is attracted to your body and you know it's beginning to tense; you need to forget about it and relax for you need all your force to concentrate and look at your pictures. You can if you so wish get into the habit of concentrating your thoughts on everything you do in your day to day life.

Regular practice of concentration will, in time greatly quicken your power and enable you to do all you undertake throughly and speedily."

And that is the end on this section of the rev's book. There is much more to come but for this week everyone here hopes you enjoyed the read and it has given some enlightenment or at very least peaked some interest.

Until we see you again next week, from all of us at WATO stay safe and be strong ❤️ 


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