Occultism and what it really is.

As we have many practitioners, researchers, science level professionals and doctors on our team many topics will be covered here.

So to kick things off here is the first of many excerts from Rev. F Xnoubis book centered around the occult. This book is not what you may be initially thinking so please take the time to read it and do come back each week for further updates.

This gentleman is a well studied formidable and spiritual type with an extensive background in the occult, foraging, herbalism and uses his knowledge to help others as much as he can.

Enjoy the read.

"Occultism offers a logical working hypothesis and is worthy to receive more of your time and consideration.

If it is true it can be demonstrated for truth is always demonstrable. Each of the fundamental statements within these pages can be demonstrated and proven, not because these pages say so.. but by you!

If you use your mind along with the lines indicated you will find that there will be continuous growth for you and that time will come when you can do anything that you desire."

Now that's a pretty interesting introduction in my opinion, here is a bit more.

"Definition Of Occultism. 

The doctrine, practices or rites of things Occult or mysterious. The Occult Sciences or their study.

In the middle ages Occultism or the Occult Sciences embraced what is now know as the Psychical Sciences, it was understood to mean those things which were unknown but by experimentation might become known...

This leads us onto The Nature and Manifestation of the Divine Mind.

The idea of a Deity is first found in individual worship. Each man has his own particular God which is a true one for him because each person has his own conception of a Deity. As this becomes stronger he becomes less satisfied to worship alone and then will impress his ideas upon those he comes into contact with. This then becomes the second stage of worship, Tribal.

When a tribe becomes stronger in numbers than the surrounding tribes, it begins to dominate those other tribes and immediately enforces its own idea of God upon the conquered people. Sometimes the tribal or national God of the conquered people appealed to the wants or needs of the conquerors and was therefore adopted by them.

The next stage is the Transition Stage and means Conception of Deity has broadened from anthropomorphic to a real Universal God without modifications of limitations.

The anthropomorphic idea means God made in the image of man or ascribing human attributes to God. But now we have arrived at the point where anthropomorphism is no longer characteristic of the most progressive thinkers. We are now able to conceive of a Universal Deity, one without human weakness or human limitations and if there is one thing above all others that this great movement stands for, it is the sweeping away of the old anthropomorphic idea and the giving in it's place the return of a Universal Deity.

Divine Mind has been selected for the term to be applied to this conception of a God in order to emphasize this idea of a Universal Deity. In order to bring out clearly, first the Deific idea and secondly the that it is consciousness for mind and consciousness for mind and they are really only synonymous terms. This consciousness being universal, necessarily manifested everywhere.

When we use the term Universal consciousness or devine mind we mean that which comprehends that which embodies and includes all that we call consciousness. This means all that is visible or invisible, known or unknown. All that can be seen, touched, handled or sensed. All that can be apprehended, individualised or otherwise is God.

The Universal Mind consists of two portions, the manifested and the un-manifensted by the human mind, but that which is un-manifented cannot be apprehended and with most things there is a plus element which is always above and beyond that which is manifested. The manifestation takes place within the manifested and there is always something from within which brings forth the manifested. So the Universal Mind also consists of two parts, the visible and invisible.

The visible plane of manifestation, Divine Mind or consciousness expressed itself in two major forms known as force and matter. When we view the material world as force as the manifestation of Diety we know that behind this motion which we call force and behind this form which we call matter there is a cause which produces then. So we start with the premise that all is Divine Essence.

This Devine Essence manifesting as motion is called force by both the occultist and the physicist. The occultist also calls it though. Force and thought are therefore identical and force is the product of the mind. The Divine Essence manifesting as matter is called substance, this being the collective term for atoms.

The physical universe is therefore atoms in motion or vibration. The world of form is but atoms vibrating at certain established rates. Vibrations which appeals to us as sound have no inherent sound, but are due to rates of vibration that impinge upon the bones and nerves of the ear and are transmitted as signals to the brain and then to the mind. The vibrations that appeal to the eye as colour have in themselves no light but are rates of vibrations scientifically measured as reflected waves that impinge on the cells and optic nerve and are transmitted to the brain as signals. Or as some people interpret, as vibrations. All is vibration modified by consciousness within it.

There are people who have advances so far in this evolution that they can look beneath our form and see the character. These people are the seers or higher clairvoyant. It is agreed that the character of mind is known by its colour and this must be true, because there could be no differentiation of form except through the vibration which manifests as colour. So every human mind or psychic man has form."

That's all for this week's excerts but hopefully that has captured your attention as it has captivated mine. The next section goes onto self control, emotions, thought creation and more.

Looking forward to having you come back next week to see what we have to share.

Until then stay safe and be strong ❤️

All writing and work in quotaion marks is accredited to Rev. F. Xnoubis


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