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Tones of Science, Tones of Gods

Good day everyone, this week we have some information on the tones of science and the tones of god from Dr Chang.  Hope you all enjoy the read. 432hz and Red Lamps Good day to you Earthlings and lets hope you are all with tuning forks to the ready as the explanation of our simple techniques flood over you. As all light beings are aware, many of our sciences are not yet acknowledged officially within the conventional medical unit so today , I am simply relaying the opinions of many others who are spreading the word of the Tone of Magick before the conventional words allow ! All holistic Practitioners will understand in part at least, the tone we use is magick to the soul. The beams of light as are the waves of sound. capable of far more than being heard. I shall endeavour to explain in Non Scientific words yet provide you with the tools to find out and make your own mind up. Obviously you will need to have an understanding of our brain to fully understand ,but for the sake of the po...

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